Amadeo Zani (1869-1944)

(More pictures found here)


Alfredo Ceschiatti (1918-1989)
(more pictures found here



Victor Brecheret (1894-1955)
(more pictures found here

Bruno Giorgi (1905-1993)
(more pictures found here .)



Luiz Brizzolara, active 1922
(More pictures found here ) and here ,)


Vasco Prado (1914-1998)

Caetano Fracarolli -- active 1940's
(more pictures found here .)


Ricardo Cipicchia (1885-1969)
(More pictures found here ) and here ,)


Galileo Emendabili (1898-1974)
(more views can be seen here )


Francisco Leopoldo da Silva (1879-1964)
(more views can be seen here )


Jose Cuce (active 1942)
(more views can be seen here )

Julio Guerra (1912-2001)


Luiz Morrone (1906-1998)
(more views can be seen here )

Odette Eid (1922-)
(more views can be seen here )

Julio Starace (1888-1952)
(more views can be seen here )

Lelio Coluccini (1910-1983)
(more views can be seen here )
His site can be found here

Roque De Mingo
(more views can be seen here )

Sonia Ebling (1918-2006)
(her site can be found here )

Sophia Tassinari (b. 1927)
(more views can be found here )

Ettore Ximenes (1855-1926)
(more views can be found here )

Ottone Zorlini (1891-1967)
(more views can be found here )

Edgar Duviver (1916-2001)
(more views can be found here )

Rodolfo Bernadelli (1852-1931)


Jose Pedrosa (1915-2002)
( more pieces may be seen here )

Angelo Taccari (1924-2004)

Raphael Galvez (1907-1998)

Gastao Worms (1905 - 1967) (for more views click here)

Claude Dunin (active 1960's)
(for more views click here)

Maria Martins (1900-1973)
(for more views click here)



For many years, this section was empty, because there are no books about Brazilian public sculpture in Chicago libraries.

But now, I have discovered the incredible work of a resident of Sao Paulo who calls himself/herself Art Explorer.


"Art Explorer" is skilled, thorough, and indefatigable -- with the apparent motto of "Let no statue be unphotographed" (from multiple views)

Long live "Art Explorer"!


Masters of the 20th Century